How to Prove that You Are Fit for Custody

Child custody cases in California often involve a thorough evaluation of each parent's ability to provide a stable, nurturing environment for their child. A court will not place a child with a parent they find unfit for custody. In the event that you need to prove your parental fitness to the court, a child custody lawyer can help you navigate the process. What is an “Unfit” Parent? In California, the term "unfit parent" is not used by courts lightly. An unfit parent is one who fails to p...
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How to Prepare for Your Child Custody Hearing

Preparing for a child custody hearing can be a daunting and emotional experience. Thoroughly preparing ahead of the hearing with the help of a child custody attorney can make a big difference in the ultimate outcome of your case.Here are key steps to help you prepare for your child custody hearing:1. Understand the Process & ProceduresOne of the most emotionally taxing parts of navigating a custody battle is the uncertainty. The process can be long and involve a lot of steps, often leaving p...
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10 Things to Avoid During a Custody Battle

Going through a custody battle can be one of the most stressful and emotional experiences for parents. It's crucial to handle this process carefully with the help of a child custody lawyer to ensure the best possible outcome for your children and yourself.  Here are ten things you should avoid during a custody battle: 1. Engaging in Hostile Communication When communicating with your ex-spouse or partner, it is best to maintain a calm and respectful tone. Avoid yelling, using abusive language...
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